Where shall we go? Where CAN we go?
This is becoming a very popular question now that more people are becoming vaccinated, we are getting closer to herd immunity and Covid restrictions are starting to lift in many parts of the world and in our own backyards!
Some places like Mexico and The Caribbean have been open for business since last summer. They have had to modify their requirements as their Covid numbers increased or decreased, but they have remained open and for the most part safe for visitors. Mexico is one of the few places that does not require any testing to enter; however ALL International destinations (including Mexico and the Caribbean) require that you test within 3 days of your return date to re-enter the United States. We went to Mexico last October and had an amazing and much needed vacation. I detailed my experience in an earlier blog post: Vacationing During a Pandemic.
Hawaii has been open since late last year and they are welcoming visitors with negative test results. They are starting to relax some of the requirements for inter-island travelers that are fully vaccinated but we don't expect to see the same consideration for mainland visitors until much later this year at the earliest. I can't say that I blame them, these Islands are limited with their medical resources and cannot afford to allow their health care systems to become overwhelmed with an uptick in Covid cases.
Do you love to cruise? Well, cruise lines will be starting back again in North America this summer though not from US ports- YET. We are getting closer and closer to that possibility, one CDC rule at a time. In the meantime, we have Celebrity sailing for 7 nights from the beautiful island of St. Marten starting in June. Royal Caribbean will be sailing the Adventure of the Seas from Bahamas and the Vision of the Seas from Bermuda also starting in June. Norwegian Cruise Line will have two ships sailing from Jamaica and Dominican Republic starting in August. There are also a few Europe sailings starting up this summer. The KEY to these sailings right now is that they are only available to fully vaccinated guests. So if you are fully vaccinated (by definition: two weeks after your last shot) you are welcome to take these cruises. I would love to help you book this!
Maybe you love to cruise, but you are not quite ready to take a flight all the way to the Caribbean to cruise? We have a few US Flagged cruise lines that are sailing with fully vaccinated crew and passengers. American Cruise Line offers small ship journeys along the Mississippi, Snake and Columbia Rivers and New England. American Queen Steamboat Company offers a variety of sailings up and down the Mississippi, Ohio, Tennessee, Cumberland, Columbia and Snake Rivers and their sister company, Victory Cruise Line offers several Great Lake sailings, New England sailings in the fall for the fall colors, Uncruise is a small ship company that has been sailing in Alaska for years, they are not impacted by the Canadian Cruise Ship Ban that is currently in place, so they are sailing to Alaska this summer. Alaska is a seasonal destination Though offerings are scaled down for 2021, most of these lines are booking well into 2022 and in some cased into 2023. I can help match you to the perfect cruise!
Domestically, the United States is open! People have been taking lots of road trips for months and I know a few people who have rented RV's and worked remotely while touring the USA! What a way to make lemonade out of the lemons of 2020! Did you know that I can help you book an RV? Yes, I can!
I am seeing an increase of interest in seeing America, seeing the National Parks, visiting iconic sights like the Grand Canyon and Old Faithful, taking a photo on the corner in Winslow, Arizona, strolling down the Riverwalk in San Antonio or enjoying some beignets and jazz tunes in New Orleans. America is OPEN! Mask mandates are starting to be lifted, the CDC has stated that fully vaccinated individuals do not have to wear masks pretty much anywhere anymore (few exceptions); however, some states still have their own mask mandates. Here in California, we expect the mask mandate to be lifted June 15th; however, it is unclear if that will be for everyone or just fully vaccinated individuals but more importantly if/how it can be enforced. I can't see enforcement happening but I can see individual businesses wanting to keep the mask mandate in place and they have every right to do so. I think we are headed to a period where there will be focus on "personal responsibility", follow the guidelines for cleanliness, wear a mask if you feel you are in a situation that feels unsafe and keep your distance if it seems like the right thing to do.
Some popular trips and destinations in the USA that I am seeing lately: New York City, New Orleans, Nashville, Las Vegas, Disney World, Disneyland (now that they are FINALLY open again). Train travel is becoming popular once again and Amtrak Vacations has a variety of trips to see regions of the USA. Tour companies like Globus Journeys has some wonderful itineraries and even better, do you have a small group of people you want to travel with? I can customize any of these tours for a private small group! They offer the entire country, National Parks, Hawaii, Alaska, Southeast - they can do it and I can help to make it happen!!
International destinations outside of North America are starting to announce their re-opening plan and guidelines for welcoming US Citizens once again. Some countries have opened and some will be opening up in the next month or so. Requirements vary, some require a negative Covid test within 72 hours of arrival, some are only opening up to fully vaccinated guests. Some are requiring testing AND full vaccination proof. Some will only allow you into the country if you arrive on an approved flight. The rules are getting crazy, let the games begin! The goal posts continue to move and the restrictions and requirements continue to change. This is why it is in your best interest to work with a trusted Travel Advisor (hopefully me if you don't already have one that you work with). I will work with you to find the best destination to meet your travel desires, I investigate all requirements and monitor them for any changes from the time I book your trip to the time you travel. Where do you want to go? Italy? France? Greece? Let me know and I will customize the perfect trip for you. Have a small group of people you want to travel with? Perhaps your social bubble? I can arrange a private small group tour to a variety of destinations in Europe.
River Cruises have been popular for years and they continue to be a popular option for later this year and into 2022 and 2023. The beauty of river cruises is that they are small boats, fewer passengers, you spend most of your time in the little off the beaten path towns, when you're on board you are often looking at the passing scenery from your balcony or one of the public outdoor spaces - all conducive to Covid safety protocols and recommendations. Some River Cruise lines, as of now are not requiring passengers to show proof of vaccination, rather allowing one of three options: proof of vaccination, negative Covid test 72 hours prior to embarkation or proof of recent Covid recovery. Of course, if the boat is leaving out of a country that has different requirements to fly to that country, you must abide by those rules. Hopefully, all of these stars will align as we see more destinations open to US citizens.
Best tip: I encourage you to pack your patience whenever you travel during this global pandemic. It's a new world out there, it's still a beautiful world and it still has so much to share with everyone who ventures out to see it. You must keep in mind that the Travel Industry and this includes every aspect of tourism: airlines, cruise lines, hotels, limo companies, taxi drivers, tour guides, restaurant workers, shop owners and store workers have all been greatly impacted by this pandemic. Most are thrilled to be back to work and can't wait to welcome you, but remember they may be a little rusty after not doing their job for over a year. They may even be a little bit scared to be doing their job and being up close and personal with people again. Gosh, the first time that I booked an airline ticket in my computer system I felt like a duck out of water, eventually my fingers remembered the formats but it was rough going at first. A little grace goes a long way! Grace for others and grace for yourself.
Better tip: Don't wait thinking you will get a better deal. Prices are sky-rocketing and there is a lot of demand for travel, people have been itching to get out of their homes and get back to seeing this wonderful world again. Some destinations still have capacity limits, so with less capacity, higher demand, prices are going to increase. Cruise lovers have had to go a year and a half without cruising, some have rescheduled their 2020 cruises to 2021 and had to rebook them for 2022, the ships are filling up, prices are higher because they will have to operate with fewer passengers when they are approved to sail again from US ports.
Wherever you want to go next, I would love to help you get there. As your trusted Travel Advisor with over 30 years of experience, it's what I do. I help to make your travel dreams become a reality.
“It was a Saturday afternoon. I was busy painting a wall in my bedroom I hadn’t had the time to finish in 6 years due to work and parenting. The last year of the pandemic has been nothing short of exhausting and frustrating for my business as a Travel Agent. We have cancelled endless amounts of honeymoons, family getaways, bucket list trips, and last hurrahs. Not only have we struggled with the loss of income, but also the slapping down of our passion of helping others’ dreams come true. Things are beginning to look up, but the heavy restrictions we deal with keep many travelers cautiously at bay. That day I decided, it will be what it will be and picked up a paint brush to finally cross the wall off my list.
My phone began to ring once the drips of paint had covered my fingers to where a cleanup was necessary before answering it, so I missed the call. When I checked the message I began to smile. I heard, ‘Julie, Julie, Julie..’ from an unfamiliar elderly voice. There was just an aura of friendliness from the first sentence. He explained he was a 90-year-old veteran pilot living in an assisted living facility in Florence, Oregon. I am in Northeastern Wyoming, so I wondered how he found me. He went on to explain he was discussing wanting to go to the Reno Air Races this fall and said a lady who works at his facility told him he had to use me for his travel plans. He wanted to take his friends (94 and 96 years old) with him.
I called him back and we immediately hit it off. I found out about his plans and also some about his life, which I really enjoyed. Although there are several states between us, we had a lot in common. We both have three kids. He spent some time in my home state of Wyoming working as a fireman for the railroad and I spent just over three years working for a railroad contractor operating trains being loaded with coal in my area mines. He did some mining himself somewhere in California. I spent a handful of years operating heavy equipment in an open pit coal mine. At every twist and turn in the conversation, we had common ground, as well as a sense of humor. Towards the end of our chat, he volunteered that he and his two buddies have all lost their wives and this trip was supposed to be their ‘last hurrah.’ He explained how after his wife passed away he was just overcome with sadness, until one day he decided it was time to pack his suitcase and favorite pillowcase to move to assisted living. He wanted to spend his last days around other people. That touched my heart.
I quit mining in early 2014 when I was expecting my second child. I had worked for 11 years prior, trying to balance parenting my oldest child and making a living. When my husband and I conceived number 2, we were met with the news at our 10-week checkup our baby no longer had a heartbeat. We were devastated. God knows why it didn’t work out, but when we tried again and conceived, my doctor thought it best to get me out of the rough riding equipment and on light duty. There is no such thing as light duty in coal mining, so I hung up my hard hat and put away my steel-toed boots and decided my primary job would now be mom. We have three children total now and I don’t regret my choice. The sun rises and sets on my family in my mind. Becoming a one-income family meant budgeting and no longer being able to do one of the things I enjoy the most – traveling. I developed a love for travel at a young age when we would make a yearly trip from Wyoming back to Michigan to see our family, and it stuck. Since then, I’ll take an adventure any time you want to throw it my way.
I started working in the mines immediately after turning 18. I worked in various departments before making my final home in the pit. The great majority of my coworkers were male and much older than myself. I had no problem making friends and my favorite friends were always the good old boys. I adored their rough-around-the-edges honesty. It doesn’t get much more genuine than that. As reality would have it, I have attended many funerals of my good old boy crowd. I can think back to many lunch shack conversations about what their plans were ‘someday.’ ‘Gonna get to Alaska at some point.’ ‘Someday I’ll take the wife to Italy.’ ‘Might try cruising when I hang it up out here.’ I had the same thoughts in my mind as well, but I have always had the, ‘Why wait until you hang it up out here?’ mentality. Why not go now? But I know how it goes. Life’s responsibilities get first dibs, and oftentimes we never get around to some things. Being a demanding shift working schedule, it’s no wonder why they didn’t pursue it. Once you come off 5 in a row 12-hour night shifts and you have to get back to daytime hours to be at your kid’s games and help with homework and then mow the lawn… who has time to go sit at a travel agent’s office? There’s just not enough hours in the day.
At each funeral I attended, there were notable differences. Some of them did follow their arrows and left behind pictures and memories of the things they did. But some didn’t. Some funerals became echo chambers of all the things they didn’t get to do. I couldn’t help but think back to conversations had and recall what their plans were and it just broke my heart. Life is d–n short. We never know when our time is going to run out. Whether that equates to taking the vacation or just loving everyone around you as if tomorrow isn’t coming, it has shaped the way I think. After losing one of my mining buddies who had a heart attack at work, the same week he had taken overtime and pushed his retirement out one more year, I decided to put my reservations aside about starting a new career aside and try.
Four years into the travel world and one year into a global pandemic that’s brought it all down around me, I got the phone call from Jack in Oregon. I let him know I would get back to him on Monday with more information. Monday came around and I was excited to visit with him again and let him know tickets would be available for purchase later in the spring. But Monday his tone was saddened. One of his friends had fallen ill and was taken to the hospital. Jack didn’t know if he would see his friend again and his response to my saying when the tickets would be available was, ‘I might not be around by then, either.’ I said, ‘Oh, don’t say that Jack!’ But I couldn’t argue. None of us know when our time is up. After visiting a bit more, I promised I would reach back out when things were available.
When I hung the phone up, I just couldn’t shake the feeling of sadness I had. I was sad for Jack. It’s not fair. I tried to go on with my day, but I kept coming back to thinking about him. I am a part of a small Facebook community for travel agents, and in this group we have an unending train of support. Professional issues, personal life, you name it. We laugh, we cry, we vent, but most importantly… we support each other. I took to the group that day to express my sadness and one of my friends said, ‘Oh no! They have to go!’ That made my stubborn side go into overdrive and I had to just look… just to see if there was anything in their area we could do for them. Something fun for these good old boys. I hit my fill with watching one dream after another dissolve over this pandemic. Too many delayed plans witnessed in my life. Too many d–n funerals where you hear, ‘It’s so sad he never got to…’ Nope. That stops right here.
Then I found it. There was a biplane operation right in their little town of 8,500 people and guess what? The pilot is also a veteran pilot who also flew in the Reno Air Races. It was fate. To hell with them watching the show from the ground. Lets get him in the air one more time. I went back to the group and presented my idea. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t out of line by just booking Jack a flight in a biplane and surprising him with it. Before I knew it, my friend Mark Elie said, ‘I’m in! Let me know how much you need!’ Before I could even respond I was met with a wave of other travel agents, one after another saying, ‘Put me down for $25.’ Within a few hours so many people, who have all had a terrible and fruitless year, had dug deep and offered to help, we had enough money to fly all three of them and there was even money leftover.
I contacted the lady at the assisted living facility who had given him my name in the first place and ran the idea past her. She loved it and offered to assist in the surprise. I spoke to the biplane company, who also loved it. They even offered to deliver the gift certificates and do a presentation on it when Covid restrictions allowed. I collected the money from my friends and we wrote a letter to Jack.
The big day came and I received these pictures at the facility. Great big smiles and what looked like wiped away tears. It made my heart happy. Jack said they were all gathered together and he wasn’t sure what was happening. Took him back to the days of being called to the principal’s office. Then she told him. He said they all about fell out of their chairs. They just couldn’t believe it. They were very excited. Jack told me there’s only about 10% of the people in this world who would do special things like this for others. He said we couldn’t have picked a better surprise.
This wasn’t the end of the happy tears, though. When I spoke about the events that day, I was informed one of Jack’s friends had previously spoken to this biplane company about taking a ride. But it was for a different purpose. His plan was to spread his late wife’s ashes from the sky. He was simply waiting for the right time. Then this group of complete strangers put this gift certificate in his lap. When I read that text, I sat right down and cried. I’m not known for being an overly sensitive person. But that hit me. This was no longer a fun surprise, this was a milestone in someone’s life. I can’t even explain the emotion of learning that. It took this experience far beyond what I ever imagined this could turn into.
There was a series of coincidences that made this all come together. Learning this news made me think it was a higher power. Maybe Jacks’ friend’s wife was up in heaven trying to get the show on the road. Whatever it was, I couldn’t have pulled this off without the help of my travel agent friends. We all have a deep-rooted passion for helping others. We care a lot more than any website ever could. The proof was in the Venmo that day.”
I want to make sure all of these kind souls get the credit they deserve:
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Effective January 26, 2021, ALL passengers (including US Citizens) flying to the United States MUST be tested for COVID-19 within 3 days of their scheduled flight to the US. See details below.
According to the CDC, air passengers entering the U.S. will be required to present documentation of a negative COVID-19 viral test (called a Qualifying Test) conducted within the 3 days before their flight to the U.S. departs.
Alternatively, passengers may provide documentation of having recovered from COVID-19 with documentation of test results conducted during the three months preceding the flight’s departure from a foreign country.
Finally, all airline passengers will be required to present a simple CDC attestation form to the airline for collection prior to boarding. That form can be found here for reference. For more information, you may reference the FAQs on the CDC website here.